What solution does Topicus offer?
For citizens, patients, professionals, healthcare organisations, commissioners and Ministries of Health (MoHs), Topicus delivers a preventive software screening platform for non-communicable and communicable diseases covering the whole process of screening. By supporting nationwide screening programs of breast-, colorectal-, cervical cancer and tuberculosis, and by detecting Covid-19 nationwide as well as supporting the vaccination programme on Covid-19 in The Netherlands, Topicus contributes to improving public health. They believe early detection of diseases is important for limiting healthcare costs. By connecting software solutions, medical devices and their integrated connected screening platform, they can extend healthy living worldwide.
What makes them unique?
- Facilitating monitoring, control and evaluation of the three Dutch nationwide screening programmes for 10 yrs, serving millions of citizens on early detection of diseases
- Integrated software connecting all stakeholders and systems, with full interoperability
- Use of standards for vendor-independent systems
- Workflow support for efficient processes and maximise automation
How can they help Colombia?
Topicus has already applied their solutions across the board throughout the globe. They were a consulting partner for Technical Assessments on cancer screening in Brazil and Switzerland and are currently a consulting partner in a European consortium (project EU-topia EAST) to improve cancer screening in Georgia, Romania and Montenegro (follow-up EU-project of EU-topia), together with amongst others the cancer screening team of Erasmus MC. More specifically to Colombia, they have offered a proposal for a pilot on cervical cancer screening, in co-creation with Erasmus MC and Javeriana Universidad.