Strengths Digital Health

Curious to know the unique selling points of this partnership? Find out here. 

Why is the Netherlands your partner for digital health?

With a people-centred approach across sectors, we value a safe and unified data infrastructure. Digitalisation is often seen as a threat to privacy. Safe-guarding user identity and data is of the highest priority for anyone hoping to move forward with digitalisation. The Netherlands is especially mindful in enforcing continuous careful handling of personal data at every stage of the procedure, as well as providing guidance to everyone involved and strictly following GDPR regulations.


Digital health solutions made in the Netherlands can be locally applied to hospitals throughout Germany to optimise processes. This optimisation includes, but is not limited to, forecasting hospital capacity, facilitating automised nursing schedules, safeguarding patient data and monitoring patient progress and treatment. Similarities in patient profiles allow a German-Dutch cooperation to develop and explore forward-looking digital health solutions that will move the healthcare system forward. This way, Germany and the Netherlands can drive forward a new era of connected care together and offload unnecessary bureaucratic pressure on healthcare workers. 

This said, it isn't just hospitals that enjoy these innovative solutions. Patients can also benefit greatly from the many digital tools on offer through this public-private partnership. As a patient, one can monitor their own progress and well-being every step of the way via various technologies. They can also enjoy increased attention from healthcare workers as their workload is offloaded. Patients can also receive attention from medical physicians through various digital tools, making healthcare more accessible than ever before. 

Want to know more?

Take a look at the companies and solutions behind this partnership. 

You can also reach out to one of the coordinators of this partnership. They can help connect you with the companies behind the solutions you are interested in. 

Let's move towards a new era of connected care together!