About Digital Health Germany

Digital Health Germany is a public private partnership between the Netherlands and Germany, aimed at using digital innovation to improve healthcare.

About Digital Health Germany

A group of Dutch digital health expert companies from the Life Sciences & Health (LSH) sector have joined forces in a public-private partnership to collaborate with German counterparts to adopt and integrate digital health solutions. The cluster has more than 10 years of experience and knowledge of the Dutch market, and expertise on the deployment of a solid and secure digital infrastructure.

Germany and the Netherlands: driving a new era of connected care together

These innovators understand that though digital health holds great promise, it is a means to an end, not the end in itself. Digital health solutions can provide great strides forward, but only if the professionals and patients who have to use them are empowered to do so. Technology is only one part of the equation, and people are the other. These companies have bounds of experience in successfully implementing digital health solutions, also already in Germany.

Similarities in patient profiles allow a German-Dutch cooperation to develop and explore forward-looking digital health solutions that will move the healthcare system forward. This way, Germany and the Netherlands can drive forward a new era of connected care together.


Consisting of ten partners, the group’s biggest strength is the complementary digital solutions they offer for Germany’s integration of a reliable care model that delivers high-quality healthcare services, independent of time and place and at a reduced cost. As a result, digital health will improve patients’ quality of life, also for those who are not sick. Such solutions allow for more efficient, secure and smoother processes at a wide range of healthcare providers, such as hospitals, clinics, elderly care facilities and pharmacies.

With an emphasis on integrated solutions, this group leaves behind the standalone approach and ensures digital health fits into the natural/clinical workflows of healthcare providers, without risk of data leaks. If standalone solutions are offered, this will result in an inevitable separation and miscommunication of the solutions. Want to learn more about this partnership?

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