Why is the Netherlands your partner for connected care?
Like Southeast Asia, the Netherlands is also experiencing an ageing society, a growing number of patients with non-communicable diseases, rising costs and a shrinking workforce. This results in a increasing demand for care. In the Netherlands, we are working hard on the challenge to keep healthcare affordable and to improve accessibility. We invite you to share in those experiences and develop connected care together!
Opportunities for partnerships include:
The COVID-19 outbreak has accelerated the digital transformation of health care delivery models in southeast Asia. The Dutch have a strong inclination to adopt digitalisation in our daily lives and healthcare is no different. Efforts are being made in the Netherlands to develop and implement eHealth solutions, where the local government encourages the use of digital applications for healthcare and support.
- More accurate diagnoses and decision making.
- Monitoring and treatment in one's own environemt, reducing unnecessary hospital visits.
- Self management and improved well-being of patients.
- Efficient administrative processes allowing staff to spend more time with patients instead of paperwork.
- Digital education and training programmes.
Healthy ageing
Opportunities for partnerships include:
All ASEAN-5 countries are being subjected to challenges related to ageing populations such as the rising burden or non-communicable diseases. For years, the Netherlands has been well-know for groundbreaking work in the field of health ageing. With a strong focus on healthy living, the average life expectancy in the Netherlands is 81.7 years, almost 10 years more than the world average in 2020. The Ministry of Health, Welfare & Sport has formulated the mission to add 5 healthy years to every Dutch citizen's life by 2040.
- Early detection of non-communicable and communicable diseases.
- Allowing the elderly to age at home for as long as possible.
- Technological innovations to reduce the workload for healthcare workers.
Health infrastructure
Opportunities for partnerships include:
The introduction of universal health care coverage in Southeast Asia has resulted in a growing demand for health infrastructure in both urban and rural areas of Southeast Asia. In the urban areas private hospital groups are interested in the state of the art design that is comptabile with their digitalisation ambitions. In the remote areas NGO's and public parties are interested in health infrastructure that is easily adjustable to local circumstances. The Netherlands has extensive experience with upgrading, building and equiping hospitals and other health care facilities.
- Temporary and permanent health infrastructure for rural and remote populations.
- Upgrading existing hospitals and clinics in the public and private sector.
- Designing and building state of the art high-end hospitals.
Curious to learn more?
This public-private partnership is coordinated by Task Force Health Care Programme Manager:
Get in touch with us for more information.